Experience top-notch table or chair massage in the comfort of your own home, provided by Hutto-local Kyla Chatterjee.
60 minute - $110 | 90 minute - $140
Swedish massage is your standard, relaxation massage. Pick from light to medium pressure, and enjoy either a full-body massage or a focus session targeting any areas where you may be experiencing heavy tension. Oil or cream are used on the skin unless otherwise requested.
60 minute - $120 | 90 minute - $150
Deep tissue massage targets the deeper layers of muscle, which otherwise wouldn’t get as much attention in a Swedish session. Deep tissue is especially good for those who need large, bothersome knots worked out. Heavy pressure sustained for long periods of time helps re-train chronically contracted muscles so that they instead exist in a relaxed state. Minimal oil or cream are used on the skin unless otherwise requested.
20 minute - $40 | 45 minute - $90
If you’re not comfortable undressing for a massage on a table, try out chair massage. Kyla will be able to work on your neck, arms, back, glutes, and arms while you are fully clothed in a seated position. Oil or cream can be used the arms if they are exposed unless otherwise requested.
About Kyla
Kyla Chatterjee is a graduate of the Lauterstein-Conway School of Massage in Austin, Texas and has been massaging since 2023. She has a passion for helping others on their wellness journey through the mental and physical relief massage offers. She works local to Hutto and practices in the following modalities:
Deep Tissue
Sports, Passive Stretches, and Body Mobilizations
Side-lying and Pregnancy
Kyla does work outside of Hutto, but a small travel fee will be added to any session farther than 20 miles from Hutto’s downtown square.